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We can measure molecular mass (Mn, Mw and Mz) and polydispersity index (PDI) of synthetic polymers and conjugates with polymers.

Chromatograph parameters: Shimadzu Nexera’s High-Pressure Liquid Chromatograph (HPLC) equipped with a RID detector (Shimadzu RID–20A) and three GPC columns placed in series: Reprogel 1000, 10000, 5 µm, 300 mm × 8 mm. The range of excluding for columns is: 1 – 500 kDa. The columns are thermostated at 45 ◦C. We used typical GPC grade THF at a flow rate of 1.0 mL/min. We used poly(styrene) standards for calibration (PSS Polymer) from 0,8 to 500 kDa.


We can carry out chemical reactions on a quarter-technical scale in a thermostated jacked reactor. Reactor with capacity 0.5 L is equipped with a mechanical stirrer (200-3000 RPM) and connected with the thermostat controlling temperature of the heat/cooling medium in the jacked with an accuracy of ± 0.5 °C in the range -20-140 °C.

Shimadzu UV-1900 spectrophotometr. Wavelength range: 190 to 1,100 nm; wavelength slew rate: about 14,500 nm/min

The MPW-352 centrifuge is a laboratory centrifuge designed for general use. Capacity: 1 000 mL (our rotor is adapted to 6 tubes with a max. volume of 35 ml), max. RPM: 90 – 18.000, max. RCF: 24.270.

Rotary evaporator (Buchi) with vacuum pump (Buchi) and minichiller (Huber).

ThermoScientific FH10 peristaltic tubing pump.Motor speed: from 20 to 100 RPM, flow rate: from 0.8 to 14 mL/min, maximum pressure: 2 bar.

Other equipment owned by our research group:

  • Schlenk line (vacuum gas manifold)
  • Small benchtop centrifuge (up to 6000 RPM)
  • Melting point measuring unit – semi-automatic